Welcome to my blog, where I dive into the fascinating world of low-level software analysis with Practical Binary Analysis by Dennis Andriesse. As I work through this essential guide, I'll be summarizing key concepts, sharing insights, and tackling hands-on exercises to break down the often complex and technical aspects of binary analysis. Whether you're a seasoned reverse engineer or a curious newcomer, join me on this journey as we explore the tools and techniques used to dissect software at the binary level and uncover the hidden mechanics behind computer programs.
gcc -E -P
Stop compilation after preprocessing, where-E tells gcc to stop after preprocessing and-P causes the compiler to omit debugging information.
gcc -S -masm=intel
The -S flag tell gcc to stop after compilation stage and store the assembly files to disk(.s is a conventional extension for assembly files). -masm=intel emits assembly in Intel syntax rather than the default AT&T syntax.
Write a C program that contains several functions and compile it into an assembly file, an object file, and an executable binary, respectively. Try to locate the functions you wrote in the assembly file and in the disassembled object file and executable. Can you see the correspondence between the C code and the assembly code? Finally, strip the executable and try to identify the functions again.
// This is a sample JavaScript code
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
As you've seen, ELF binaries (and other types of binaries) are divided into sections. Some sections contain code, and others contain data. Why do you think the distinction between code and data sections exists? How do you think the loading process differs for code and data sections? Is it necessary to copy all sections into memory when a binary is loaded for execution?
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